Reason. Experience. Humility.

The intent of this collection of content is to explore the fundamental questions humans ask about our origins, morality, purpose and destiny. The passion that flows from debate around these questions is not trivial, nor is it coincidental. Answers to these questions shape our worldview, or how we think, act and interpret reality. No worldview is possible without presuppositions. Acknowledging our presuppositions is fundamental to managing our cognitive bias, or for readers to be aware of a speaker’s bias. The worldview of this site’s authors can be summarized as a belief that God can be known generally in nature, specifically in the Bible and personally through God’s Spirit.

Our goal is to value seeking right over being right. Being right about all of life’s questions is a goal no person or collection of persons will ever achieve, but this does not deter our pursuit to replace error with truth. With this humility we forge forward testing, examining and discerning evidence, ideas and truth claims in hopes of moving closer to the truth.